Grishnákh leads the Orcs sent from Minas Morgul to Isengard to keep an eye on Saruman's progress. A ruthless Orc, Grishnákh has honed his skills over the years in combat and in the raiding of nearby settlements. This has left him in a position of relative power within the Orcish ranks. Following the slaughter of the Orcs and Uruk-hai at the hands of Éomer's Eored, Grishnákh pursued Merry and Pippin into Fangorn – only to receive a welcome befitting a trespassing Orc.
A sneaky and vindictive Orc, Snaga was a part of the band of Orcs that was sent by Sauron to keep an eye upon the actions of his puppet Saruman. Along with Grishnákh and his Orcs, Snaga met with Uglúk's warband of Uruk-hai Scouts following their capture of Merry and Pippin in order to take the Halflings back to Isengard. Yet having not eaten in days, Snaga's mind turns towards eating their prisoners – a train of thought that leads to Snaga becoming the main course.
Add some narrative flair to your Isengard collection with a warband of Mordor Orcs led by Grishnákh and Snaga. Both wear crude armour and carry swords.
The set contains two resin miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 25mm Round Base.
A sneaky and vindictive Orc, Snaga was a part of the band of Orcs that was sent by Sauron to keep an eye upon the actions of his puppet Saruman. Along with Grishnákh and his Orcs, Snaga met with Uglúk's warband of Uruk-hai Scouts following their capture of Merry and Pippin in order to take the Halflings back to Isengard. Yet having not eaten in days, Snaga's mind turns towards eating their prisoners – a train of thought that leads to Snaga becoming the main course.
Add some narrative flair to your Isengard collection with a warband of Mordor Orcs led by Grishnákh and Snaga. Both wear crude armour and carry swords.
The set contains two resin miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 25mm Round Base.