In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where space and atmosphere intersect, the Nickar class hunter-killer emerges as a formidable force. These sleek vessels, compact yet powerful, belong to the sub-frigate tonnage category. In the annals of interstellar warfare, they are renowned for their agility and speed, earning the rightful fear of any enemy vessel that dares to operate within the bounds of the atmosphere – the favored hunting ground of these lethal predators.
Armed with a specialized arsenal of plasma munitions, the Nickar class is a force to be reckoned with. These munitions pack a punch that belies the ship's relatively modest size, allowing them to engage and easily overcome vessels larger than themselves, including formidable strike carriers.
During the initial stages of the Reconquest, the Nickar class hunter-killers etched their name in history as harbingers of Armoured Corps losses. In countless engagements, they wreaked havoc aboard strike carriers, claiming thousands of lives and vehicles before they even had a chance to reach the planetary surface. Their incursions proved to be a devastating menace that left a lasting mark on the memories of those who faced them.
As time passed, the Admiralty came to a grim realization – these vessels, operating within the protective embrace of a planet's atmosphere, posed a unique and challenging threat. They were, in essence, the bane of larger, less nimble ships. In response, the Admiralty recalibrated its strategies and tactics, understanding that the best countermeasure against the Nickar class was the deployment of corvettes. The hard lessons learned in those early days forever altered battle plans and led to a newfound respect for the role of small, swift vessels in the grand theater of interstellar Warfare.
- 6 single piece resin miniatures/blister