Behold the marvel of Scourge naval engineering – the blister pack that can be assembled as either an Akuma or Banshee class battlecruiser. Crafted from exceptionally tough, impact-resistant resin and featuring extraordinary detail, these models come to life at a scale of 1:9150 (0.2mm). Prepare to delve into the terrifying capabilities of the Akuma and Banshee class vessels.
The dreaded Akuma class battlecruiser epitomizes the perfect blend of speed, heavy firepower, and the uncanny ability to conceal its energy spikes. Among its most formidable features is the massive cloaking tailfin, unrivaled in the Scourge navy. This ingenious technology allows the Akuma to operate covertly, making it the leading cause of civilian shipping loss. Supply vessels, often poorly defended, fall victim to the Akuma's relentless assault before they can mount any Response.
The Banshee class, equally terrifying, shares a remarkable trait with its Akuma counterpart – the awesomely potent cloaking tailfin. This advanced technology renders these vessels nearly invisible to enemy scanners, granting them the freedom to unleash their devastating firepower and execute daring maneuvers with impunity. It's an unparalleled advantage for captains engaging in fierce battles.
Length: 131mm.
9 Resin Parts total (including optional components).