The men of Rohan are doughty folk, raised in a harsh land of moors, hills, and endless grassland. The warriors of this land fight for survival against a multitude of foes, from the Trolls and Orcs of the Misty Mountains, to the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron when they cross the Anduin into the Westfold. Many of them will ride into battle on warhorses, but many more cannot afford a noble steed and will instead fight on foot, making up the rank and file of the armies of Rohan. What these warriors lack in armour and skill, they make up for with courage and bloody minded determination - Rohan will never fall while they still protect its borders. Amongst these men are the Captains and heralds of Rohan, who have fought for many years against Sauron, and who now lead the armies of that great land into battle, inspiring their men to fight to the very last.
This boxed set contains one set of Rohan Commanders. These models are resin cast miniatures, including one Captain of Rohan, one Warrior with war horn, one banner bearer, and one King's Huntsman. They are supplied as eight separate components, and come with four 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints.
This boxed set contains one set of Rohan Commanders. These models are resin cast miniatures, including one Captain of Rohan, one Warrior with war horn, one banner bearer, and one King's Huntsman. They are supplied as eight separate components, and come with four 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints.