PHR Light Ships


Vanlig pris 420,00 kr

Avgift inkludert.

Stock: 1

PHR vessels of light tonnage are highly advanced, resilient killers. Some, like the Ariadne, Castor, and Echo, are focused gun platforms built to excel and survive in a specific tactical position, be that defensive or offensive. Others though are specialists which offer unique and useful capabilities. The Ourania exists solely to assist the fleet in targeting, and the Pollux is a dedicated escort.

Others, such as the Jason and Odysseus blockade runners, offer combat speeds far exceeding most PHR ships to penetrate any defence early in an engagement or to react
with lightning force. PHR cutters are especially fast and can even outrun most Shaltari ships.

This box includes:

  • 1 Cutter
  • 2 Corvettes
  • 2 Lighters
  • 1 Monitor
  • 2 Destroyers
  • 8 Dropfleet Bases