The Warder is a wyrd, a human born with the ability to sense and manipulate Arc. Though much weaker than those born with a more intuitive command of arcane forces, such as theurges and warcasters, the wyrds’ capabilities enable them to counter opposed magical forces on the battlefield. For reasons not yet entirely understood but possibly linked to unique mining techniques, some Marcher Worlds are given to high percentage of wyrd births. Many of these children are trained in the use of their limited talents and inducted into the Ranger forces at an early age. Equipped with specialized mechanika to increase these powers, such individuals serve as Warders, whose role is to defend their squads against the disruptive Furies of their enemies.
- Can be attached to any Ranger squad at the time the squad is deployed.
- While charged, models in the Warder’s squad add two power dice to defense rolls against Fury attacks.
- When an enemy attack or special rule would cause a Cypher on the Warder’s squad to expire, the Warder can spike to keep the Cypher from expiring.
- You can charge the Warder’s squad with up to 1 Arc at the start of its activation if it is not already charged.