M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic)


Battlefront Miniatures Ltd

Vanlig pris 270,00 kr

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includes three plastic M26 Pershing or T26 Super Pershing, one Decal Sheet and two Plastic Tank Commander Sprues.
The T26/M26 Pershing was the outcome of a series of prototype designs for replacing the M4 Sherman. The M26 was a 42-tonne vehicle, armed with an M3 90mm L/50 gun, the same that equipped the M36 Tank Destroyer. 

Check out the M26 Pershing Tank Platoon in the online store here...

Bulge American
By September 1944 and the Allies have stormed across France. Patton’s Third Army was poised to strike into Germany itself, with the 4th Armored Division in the lead. Hitler’s new Panzer Brigades were diverted to meet the Americans in the Lorraine. By early December 1944 it seemed unlikely that the Germans would attack. On 16 December that illusion was shattered when the might of German Sixth Panzer Army smashed into the thinly-held US lines in the Ardennes forests. In the central sector, the Germans approached the town of Bastogne on 19 December, defended by the veteran 101st Airborne Division. What followed was an epic seven day struggle. 
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)

You can get your unit cards in the Bulge: American Unit Card Pack here...

You can get your unit cards in the Bulge: American Unit Card Pack here...

You can get your unit cards in the Bulge: American Unit Card Pack here...

M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)
Contact the customer service team at customerservice@battlefront.co.nz if you have issues with any components.
Plastic Tank Destroyer Sprue (x3)  
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)

Plastic Tank Command Sprue (x1) US Decal Sheet (x1)
M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90) M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)

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Looking for more information on how to build and paint your Flames Of War models? Then check out our dedicated hobby page.

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M26 Pershing Tank Platoon (Plastic) (UBX90)