M113 Platoon (Plastic)


Battlefront Miniatures Ltd

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M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)

M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
Contains four plastic M113 APCs, two VADs Weapon Sprues, two M150 TOW crew, four M125 or M106 Mortar Crew, one Decal Sheet, one tank commander sprue and seven Unit Cards
The Israelis captured a number of M113 armoured personnel carriers from the Jordanians in 1967, and after some modifications to suit their needs internally and externially, they eventually went about purchasing more from the US. The M113 underwent a series of standardised modifications to become the Israeli M113 ‘Zelda’ APC. 

Check out the M113 Platoon in the store...

Mine racks were added to each side of the M113 as well as a rail for mounting knapsacks, camouflage nets, stretchers and tactical callsigns. Often the splash board on the front of the hull was removed due to the lack of water crossings that the IDF were required to conduct. 
Oil War: World War III In The Middle East

Oil War
With Europe ablaze the shadow of war quickly crept across the globe. In the Middle East, Iran and Iraq had been locked in a conflict across their border since 1980, and looked unlikely to stop anytime soon.  Further west, Israel and Syria had come to blows in Lebanon as Israel fought PLO forces operating from inside their northern neighbour. The oil rich region, already rife with conflict and tension, was about to be drawn into World War III as the Soviet Union and US led NATO set about protecting their interests in the black gold that kept the wheels of industry turning.

Learn More About Oil War...

M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M125 Mortar
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M150 TOW
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) 

M113 Platoon Box Contents
Contact the customer service team at customerservice@battlefront.co.nz if you have issues with any components.
M113 Sprue (x4)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M163 VADS Upgrade Sprue (x2)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
Unit Cards
M113 Transport (x1) M113 Recce Platoon (x1)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M125 81mm Mortar Platoon (x1) M150 Anti-tank Section (x1)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M106 120mm Mortar Platoon (x1) M163 VADS AA Platoon (x1)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
M113 OP Artillery Observer (x1) Tank Commander Sprue (x1)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03) M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)
Decal Sheet (x1)
M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)

Assembling the M113

M113 Platoon (Plastic) (TIBX03)