The barren wastes of the plains of Gorgoroth are home to many strange and blighted creatures. Among these monsters are the Great Beasts of Gorgoroth, huge behemoths that are captured and forced into doing the bidding of the Orcs of Mordor. Their immense bulk makes them ideal for pulling the great battering ram, Grond, as well as for mounting a howdah upon their back to transport Orcs to war, all the while smashing through an enemy’s lines.
This boxed set contains a Great Beast of Gorgoroth - a resin cast kit that comes in 17 components including 10 Orc crew, and comes supplied with a large oval base.
This boxed set contains a Great Beast of Gorgoroth - a resin cast kit that comes in 17 components including 10 Orc crew, and comes supplied with a large oval base.