The Aeroliths are complex mechanika drones deployed alongside the Empyreans’ Saber squads. The robotic servitor not only possesses a suite of sensory apparatuses that can pinpoint even the best hidden enemy forces but also has a destructive pulse array, capable of unleashing powerful force explosions to devastate those same enemies where they are discovered. The Aeroliths take the single-minded devotional programming of the Saber forces to a whole new level, willing to move directly into harm’s way to protect assets deemed necessary by their Aeon masters.
- Can be attached to any Saber squad at the time the squad is deployed.
- While charged, enemy models within 10˝ lose Stealth.
- When a friendly model is targeted and hit by an enemy attack while within 5˝ of this model, this model can spike once to be hit instead.
- While charged, this model gains 2 power dice on its Pulse Array ranged attacks. The Pulse Array also has the Blast weapon quality.