Cygnar: The General Character Jack Upgrade Kit


Privateer Press

Vanlig pris 199,00 kr

Avgift inkludert.

(Warjack Body Not Included)

Armed with the legendary sword of the late Coleman Stryker, now upgraded for warjack use and protected with an electro-charged Polarity Fist, The General charges into battle, furthering the legacy of the greatest hero Cygnar has ever known.


This warjack pack contains two weapon arms and a head for use with the Storm Legion Stryker heavy warjack model. Two 3/16" magnets and one 1/8" magnet are required for this kit, sold separately in the Privateer Press Hobby Magnet pack (PIP 21192).

  • MAT 8, RAT 7, DEF 13 warjack based on the Stryker chassis.
  • Has the Accumulator [Storm Legion warrior model], Focus-Charged: Polarity Field, Overtake, and Righteous Vengeance special rules.
  • Armed with a POW 15 Polarity Fist with Buckler, POW 19 Quicksilver Mk III, and a RNG 8, POW 14 Galvanic Bolt.